BASSANO by Boffo
June 9, 2024
Bassano is a four-tower masterplan community on the cusp of Brentwood. This walkable neighbourhood is a desirable urban environment for families. Bassano offers over 41,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor amenity space – including beautiful lobby, work-share lounge, indoor/outdoor family lounge, massive park space and 43rd storey rooftop lounge. The first phase offers a collection of one, two and three bedroom homes.
Bassano 位於本拿比 Brentwood 地區, 在 Lougheed Highway 和 Springer Avenue 交界, 由四座混凝土大廈組成的綜合規劃住宅社區. 步行大概 6分鐘可到 Holdom Station 天車站. 地點十分方便, 開車5分鐘可到 BCIT, 10分鐘可到 Metrotown. 第一期 Tower 1 現正發售.
Project Summary / 項目資料
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Location / 地址: Lougheed Hwy & Spinger Ave
Developer / 發展商: Boffo
Unit type / 單位類型: 1 bed, 1 bed+den, 2 bed, 2 bed+den, 3 bed+den
Pricing / 售價: from $800,000
Deposit / 訂金: 15% (first 50 home sales)
Strata Fee / 管理費: $0.63 / sqft
Completion Date / 收樓時間: 2028
School Catchment / 校網
Elementary (K - Gr 7): Parkcrest Elementary
Secondary (Gr 8 - 12): Burnaby North Secondary