Last updated: Apr 21, 2023

Portwood is tucked away in a quiet residential area in Port Moody. A 23 acre Master plan community with 70% of the land is dedicated greenspace. The five phases of the community are surrounded by 3 acres of parks and 5 acres of urban forest, providing residents with an abundant landscape of untouched space, grassy slopes and intimate trails to privately explore. Complemented by an abundance of unique amenities and family-friendly parks, trails, daycare, and grocery store. Umbra offers 219 one to two bed + den residences and three bed concrete townhomes.

Portwood位於風景優美的Port Moody滿地寶市, 離 Burquitlam, SFU, Rocky Point 公園, 北拿比, 高貴林購物中心都很近. 整個小區會有23英畝, 超過70%綠化, 當中包例如3英畝公園和5英畝的森林, 步道, 住宅, 出租單位, 12000尺的日託中心, 零售等. 第一期Umbra將有219套單位, 有1房至2房+den的木結構公寓, 和3房混合凝土 townhouse 的選擇.

Now selling. If you would like to learn more about the project or schedule a visit to the presentation center, please contact me.
項目已開始發售. 如想獲得更詳盡資訊, 請留下您的聯絡資料.

School Catchment / 校網


  • K - Gr 5: Seaview Community School

  • K - Gr 5 (Early French Immersion): École Glenayre Elementary


  • Gr 6 - 8: École Moody Middle

  • Gr 6 - 8 (Early French Immersion): École Banting Middle


  • Gr 9 - 12: Port Moody Secondary

  • Gr 9 - 12 (Early French Immersion): École Dr. Charles Best Secondary

Project Summary / 項目資料

Location / 地址: 1190 Cecile Drive, Port Moody
Unit type / 單位類型: 1 bed, 2 bed & 3 bed
Developer / 發展商: Edgar

Pricing / 售價:

1房 (557-583呎): $554,900起

1房+den (634呎): $619,900起

2房 (760呎): $764,900起

2房+flex (773-835呎): $784,900起

2房+den (900-974呎): $854,900起

2房+rooftop (1054-1102呎): $1,099,900起

3房townhouse (1259-1360呎): $1,099,900起

Deposit Structure / 訂金: 15%

Strata Fee / 管理費: $0.49 / sqft

Completion Date / 收樓時間: 2026 Spring


Project Overview / 項目簡介